Fabricated Steel Sealing Plate for the Diesel Fuel & Hydraulic Filter Industry
At LIKE MACHINERY, Inc, we specialize in tooling and production services for high volume stamping applications. This steel sealing plate is used in the diesel fuel and hydraulic filter industry. The 0.025″ steel plate is blanked, pierced, stamped, and formed on our STAMTEC 165 ton gap press. The finished plate has an outer diameter of 3.813″ a height of 0.312″ with dimensional tolerances as tight as ±0.003″. This is a pre-plated material thats produced in a 10 station progressive die. Once completed and QC’d, these sealing plates are shipped to domestic customers and exported to Mexico.
We have currently manufactured almost 35 million of these parts with zero rejects. This project not only demonstrates our ability to handle large volume projects, but our ability to produce quality, long lasting tooling to support custom parts. For more information about this high volume metal stamping project, see the table below, or contact us directly.
Highlights of this High Volume Metal Stamping Project

Fabricated Steel Sealing Plate for the Diesel Fuel & Hydraulic Filter Industry
High Volume Metal Stamping Capabilities Applied/Processes
Equipment Used to Manufacture Part
STAMTEC 165 T Gap Press
Overall Part Dimensions
Outside Diameter: Ø 3.813″
Height: 0.312″
Tightest Tolerances
± 0.003″
Material Used
Material Thickness: 0.025″
Material Finish
Tin Coated
In process testing/inspection performed
Dimensional Inspection, Visual Inspection
Certificate of Conformance
Industry for Use
Metal Stamping
33,000,000 million pieces
Delivery/Turnaround Time
This part is run daily five days a week 8 to 10 hours.
Delivery Location
Cookeville Tn. United States San Luis Potosi Mexico
Standards Met
Customer Specifications, 2D CAD Drawing
Product Name
Sealing Plate
High Quality Stamping Wall Mount
Custom Metal Stamping Newspaper Rack Bracket
Custom High Precision Hardware Metal Stamping Bracket
Custom Sheet Metal Stamping Stand
Four-slide Stamping Metal Shell Panels
Metal Processing Stamping Parts Shell Case