Trefoil Cable Cleats Selection & Installation
Product characteristics
It is important that the cleats are installed properly to secure your cables: • It is not necessary for every cleat to be attached to the tray. Every other cleat
(■) must be attached to the tray system to mount cable in tray. Unattached cleats
(■) provide additional restraint to keep cables bundled.
• The bend radius should be 8 to 12 times the cable diameter.
• Cleats should always be installed at the beginning, middle and end of a bend
(●), and at no time should the distance between cleats on a bend be more than 0.3M center to center.

Trefoil Cable Cleats Selection & Installation
Step 1. Know Your Cables
• What type of cable is being used? Single or Multi-conductor?
• What is the outside diameter of the cable(s)?
• What is the cable arrangement (single conductor cables only)? Flat or Trefoil?
• If a ground wire will be installed within the cleat, you will need the ground wire outside diameter.
Step 2. Know Your System
• What is the available short circuit current (RMS or ip (peak))?
• What type of cable tray is installed?
Step 3. Select Your Cable Cleats and Mounting Bracket
See Cable cleat catalog pages.
Step 4. Determine Cleat Spacing for Installation
• Your cable diameter is equal to the spacing between conductor centers shown below.
• Find your cable diameter at the top of the table and look down at the column below it.
• Find the value equal to or greater than the available short circuit for your system.
Single Conductor Short Circuit Withstand Table
Max. Cable Cleat Spacing (A)
Spacing Between Conductor Centers (mm)
23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 39 41 43 45
mm inch Ip peak (KA)
225 9 179 187 194 203 209 216 220 229 234 240 246 250
300 12 155 163 168 174 181 187 192 198 203 209 214 215
450 18 128 133 137 144 148 152 157 161 165 170 174 178
600 24 110 115 119 124 128 132 135 139 143 148 150 153
675 27 104 108 113 117 121 124 128 132 135 139 143 147
900 36 89 93 97 102 108 108 110 115 117 121 124 127
Recommended Installation Procedures:
It is important that the cleats are installed properly to secure your cables:
• It is not necessary for every cleat to be attached to the tray. Every other cleat (■) must be attached to the tray system to mount cable in tray. Unattached cleats (■) provide additional restraint to keep cables bundled.
• The bend radius should be 8 to 12 times the cable diameter.
• Cleats should always be installed at the beginning, middle and end of a bend (●), and at no time should the distance between cleats on a bend be more than 0.3M center to center.
316L Stainless Steel Secure Cable Cleat Support Bracket for Forte Trefoil
Cable Cleat Mouting Brackets for Trefoil Cleats
Stainless Steel Cleats Trefoil Configuration Clamp Bracket
316L Stainless Steel AISI316 Fabricated Trefoil Cable Cleat Bracket
High-voltage Wire Cable Cleats, Clamps & Hangers (111-119mm OD) for Power System
Standard Duty Stainless Steel Hinged Cable Cleat (96-103mm OD)